RESIDENTS in a coastal town will meet tonight to discuss whether they will oppose a proposed windfarm.

EDF Energy wants to erect up to 30 wind turbines off the east Cleveland coast at Redcar.

The development, which is in its public consultation period, would generate about 100 megawatts of energy a year enough to power 72,000 homes.

Residents are concerned about the visual impact of the 400ft turbines, erected at least a mile from the shore, and the noise they would make.

Coatham ward Councillor Irene Curr said: "I'm all for renewable energy but this is also about people who live in Redcar - they are the ones who are going to look at the windfarm day in day out."

EDF Energy, which has held several public exhibitions in Redcar and Hartlepool, from where the turbines would also be visible, says the response from the public has been positive, with only a few concerns raised.

"We have taken residents to see a wind turbine at Blyth, in Northumberland, where we have the only operational offshore windfarm, so they could assess the noise and visual impact more easily, and the reaction has been positive," a spokesperson said.

Tonight, Vera Baird will chair a meeting of her constituents at Coatham Memorial Hall, in Redcar, starting at 7pm.

"The people of Redcar are invited to come and talk to me about their views and I shall be listening keenly," she said.

"I do not want to make my own views known yet because I want to hear both sides."