A CYCLIST is travelling overseas with her bicycle to take part in a ten-day journey across Vietnam in aid of charity.

Jenny Stephenson, of Skeldale Grove, Darlington, will arrive in the Far East today to begin her adventure through a backdrop of emerald green paddyfields and red and gold pagodas.

Travelling as part of a group, the 28-year-old will set off from the small city of Da Nang and finish 280 miles away at Saigon, in the heart of Vietnam.

"I'm very excited about it, it's a test for myself and a big challenge," said Ms Stephenson.

"I do like to cycle, but I don't enter races or compete. This is just a good way of seeing an unusual country and raising money for charity at the same time."

The Vietnam bike ride has been organised by Mencap.

It encourages participants to raise money for the charity's work with people who have learning disabilities and their families.

Ms Stephenson has already raised more than £2,000 and hopes that by the time she completes the challenge the amount will have reached her target of £2,500.

It isn't the first time she has taken part in a ride for Mencap. Two years ago she went to Egypt and cycled 300 miles around the Nile.

She said: "That was the best experience in my life so far and I'm hoping this ride in Vietnam will equal it."