SURF girl Jorji Watson is riding on the crest of a wave after the British Open Surfing Championships.

The outgoing nine-year-old from Blackhill, Consett, made the most of her chance of glory when the championships were staged on familiar waters, at Tynemouth's Long Sands earlier this month.

Her brother Lee and sister Alex, both older, more experienced teenagers, chose not to compete, but Jorji put her name down for the junior girls' event.

The family was surprised when she was elevated to take part in the senior women's category, against the country's best female surfers, but Jorji did not flinch.

She gave it her best shot and completed the event to take the plaudits of spectators and fellow competitors, finishing fourth from four competitors.

Dad Jeff said it left her surfing siblings envious of their younger sister.

"She was up against the best in the country and she came fourth, so it's quite an achievement for a nine-year-old.

"They are all keen, although Alex is probably the best surfer of the three, but she wouldn't take part. Jorji is the cheekiest and really outgoing, and it paid off so she's really pleased with herself."

Jeff, a keen snow boarder, took up surfing three years ago.

The rest of the family, including his wife Sandie, then decided: "If you can't beat him, join him."

They regularly make the trip from north-west Durham to Tynemouth, after checking wave conditions, and all five take to the water.

The whole family has also followed dad's example, becoming keen snow boarders on annual family holidays in France and Austria.