A SCHOOLGIRL who suffers chronic fatigue has completed a tough challenge to raise money for charity.

Megan Smith, 15, from Bearpark, near Durham, was devastated when she was diagnosed with ME in 1999.

The illness leads to chronic fatigue with even small activities triggering symptoms, including muscular and joint pain, nausea and dizziness.

But despite being banned by doctors from even taking part in school PE lessons, Megan decided to take part in the Junior Great North Run.

The teenager could not be talked out of the challenge and began preparing for the event with her mother by taking part in gentle exercises.

"I had to walk the course so I wasn't one of the fastest to finish, but I was really pleased with myself when me and my mum crossed the line," said Megan.

"I'm really happy that I managed to do the whole race."

Now she has handed the £70 she raised to North-East charity Just for Kids.

The cheque was accepted on behalf of Just for Kids by local radio DJ Wayne Tunnicliffe.

He said: "It's an incredible achievement for Megan, and to raise money to help other local children shows what a selfless young lady she is. We are all a little bit in awe of her."

Just for Kids provides financial backing to children's charities in the North-East for the purchase of specialist equipment and the funding of specific projects.

For more details about the charity, ring 0191-421 0247.