GHOST SHIPS: AS a resident who objects to the concept of America's toxic waste being buried under my town, I would be grateful if Able UK could explain exactly how the inhabitants of Hartlepool would have gained from this lucrative deal.

It is of course untrue that these ships would be 'run up a beach in the Third World' if we didn't take them. Public opinion in the US stopped this practice some time ago and the Americans have the capacity to do this work themselves.

It seems to me that a huge private deal stands to make a few people a lot of money, but that Hartlepool will gain little or nothing except 1,400 tonnes of America's unwanted asbestos. - Barbara Crosbie, Hartlepool.


THE reason for setting up regional government can be summed up in three words 'divide and rule'.

The alternative would be an English parliament; this would be a direct threat to Brussels and, in all probability, would have an inbuilt Conservative majority.

It must therefore be avoided whatever the cost, financial or otherwise. - Peter W Elliott, Eaglescliffe.


THE 'Premier Comment' (Echo, Nov 15) is an insult to the thousands of honest, hard-working footballers in this country.

Alan Smith, according to my calculations had been sent off ten times by the time he was 21-years-old, yellow-carded in excess of 20 times and arrested for throwing a water bottle.

He has the honour of wearing the shirt that was so majestically worn by a real footballer who was never even booked whilst he wore it, 'King' John Charles.

Let common sense prevail. Let's keep hooligans out of football. - Peter Murphy, Evenwood.


THE recent inquest into the death of a pensioner when hit by a car reveals a strange anomaly.

As it seems impossible to determine which teenager was driving the car, neither can be prosecuted for the tragic death so both are deemed innocent.

However, in the 'Shot at Dawn' campaign, where it was said to be impossible to determine which of the soldiers was guilty of treason in the Great War, all must remain guilty. - Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe.


TONY Kelly's ticking off of Harry Mead may have some substance when he suggests Harry comes over with what some would suggest to be anti-Christian views (HAS, Nov 10).

But whether Mr Kelly likes it or not, Christianity has through the ages not been the perfect image that he would have us believe and there were many slave owners throughout history who were devout Christians.

Mr Kelly states Harry Mead lacks proof or cannot name names. Such argument is based on ignorance and does not prove his own case because his own argument is based on a generalisation of selected instances.

It is not only Christianity that one must question, and Harry Mead should put the argument of religion in general as a case of failure and stop making out that the ills of the world are to do with Christianity.

He seems to forget that Christianity is simply his excuse because he can't understand his own failure.

Does Harry Mead believe his socialist dogma has the answer? Its failure is all about its manipulation and that is why Christianity has failed. - John Young, Crook.

TONY Kelly (HAS, Nov 10) asks Harry Mead if he "can name any seriously committed Christian who was, or has been, a slave owner"?

Well how about American President George Washington? In fact, the majority of America's first Congress were committed Christians and slave owners.

Around the world there are countless millions of people descended from committed Christians who were slave owners, whose European surnames are now carried by the descendants of those African slaves their ancestors once owned.

Harry Mead could also mention that the slaves William Wilberforce and David Livingstone were trying to free were all owned by committed Christians.

Committed Christians and the Christian Church have been intolerant to other races and religions. Both have oppressed women, both heavily involved in anti-semitism and the slave trade, facts supported by history and by the Pope, who, several years ago, issued a number of apologies for these and other atrocities committed by the Church.

Because the truth is that what doctrine may say is not what people do; equally doctrine itself is ignored in favour of what is then culturally and socially acceptable. - CT Riley, Spennymoor.


ALL sporting cheats should be banned for life, their assets frozen and all their prize and appearance money should be returned to the sport from which it came.

They have deceived the people who, in effect, pay them, us the public, and themselves.

They have deprived other athletes and their sport of money which could have been put to much better use.

More importantly, they have set a terrible example to the young athletes of the world, who should realise that the only way to achieve elite performances is by sheer hard work and a clearly-defined training programme with clear-cut goals.

At a time when London is bidding to host the Olympic Games, what better time than now to make an example of these cheats and show the world that we will not pussyfoot about?

Brand all cheats for what they are. Get them out of sport. The vast talent that is out there will get the right message and true athletes will shine in a culture that is free of this menace. - Robin Rutherford, Darlington.


THERE is only one decent thing that the Labour Party has done since it has come to power. That is to stand shoulder to shoulder with our American allies in the War on Terror.

I am honoured that the great man himself, George W Bush, is to visit Great Britain, and possibly our region.

If he does make it up to the small town of Sedgefield, then I would like to buy him a pint of lager, and give him a warm handshake.

It is just a shame that the anti war protesters will be allowed to voice their views.

Welcome to England, Mr President, and as the polls show, we are all behind you in your fight to rid this world of evil Middle Eastern madmen. - Christopher Wardell, Darlington.