DESPITE a week of wet weather, consumers across Yorkshire are being advised to use their water wisely.

Reservoir levels across the Yorkshire Water area have risen for the second week running and are now standing at less than half full.

The levels have gone by up more than 3.5 per cent, but stocks remain low for this time of year at 49 per cent.

Director of water business Richard Flint said: "We saw heavy rain over a number of days and this has resulted in our reservoir stocks rising again for the second week running.

"Even though this is very good news, the levels are still lower than average for this time of year and we are constantly monitoring the situation."

He said there was no concern for drinking water supplies but the company was working hard to ensure the region's rivers did not have any problems next year regarding their flows.

He said they would take action to ensure river flows were protected next year.

That could include taking more river water now in order to allow compensation reservoirs to recover fully from the long, dry summer.

Updates will be posted on the Yorkshire Water website