A CONSERVATION organisation is helping unemployed people develop skills in a scheme that is also helping increase the number of trees in the region.

Acorn Woodlands, run through Bishop-Auckland-based Groundwork West Durham, takes people employed by the national Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) scheme to work on projects at nature reserves.

The team has worked on a series of woodlands in the area, with projects that have included tree planting, tree surgery, for which it can undertake private work, and landscaping.

ILM employees have also worked with councils, particularly on their reserves, and projects have included installing fences and gates, building pond-dipping platforms and creating seating.

Groundwork West Durham hopes the projects will help the employees develop skills that will lead to jobs within the conservation industry.

Dave Robson, at Acorn Woodlands, can be contacted on (01207) 280808.

Published: 02/12/2003