A TEENAGE girl who terrorised a community has been given a five-year anti-social behaviour order (Asbo) to keep her under control.

Chantelle Robinson, 13, took part in a five-month campaign of abuse attacking children as young as seven and elderly neighbours near her home in Meath Street, Middlesbrough.

Asbo enforcement officer Rachel Beard said: "She has targeted people that were more vulnerable such as the elderly, children and people who do not have English as a first language.

"For people around there this will be a relief because it means she is not allowed to enter any more."

Representing Middlesbrough Council, Terry Murphy yesterday told Teesside Magistrates how she was caught throwing eggs at her neighbours' houses on March 28 and seen hitting a car with a metal bar on April 12.

On June 12 she was seen racially insulting an Asian couple in Orwell Street by street wardens and later that day she rode her bike into an elderly man.

When police officers became involved she called the man a "grass" then later pushed him up against a wall, swore at him before throwing stones at his windows and stealing security camera equipment.

The day after, she assaulted a police officer while in custody.

Chantelle and her mother failed to turn up for interviews arranged to discuss her behaviour in June and July while verbal and physical abuse of the elderly continued.

The court was told she kicked a pensioner on July 11 and taunted him because there was no one around to see it.

On July 19, the man suffered a gash to the head that needed hospital treatment after she hit him with a hammer. Later that night she kicked him in the bottom and pushed him.

Her attention turned to children on July 27 when she physically assaulted a seven-year-old girl then threatened her mother.

Chantelle's regular elderly victim suffered another verbal and physical attack on August 31.

Yesterday, she said she did not oppose the order restricting her freedom and did not want to remain anonymous when details of her behaviour are made public.

She and her family are planning to leave the area after Christmas.