A KIND-HEARTED Darlington childminder has raised more than £200 for BBC Television's Children In Need charity appeal by dyeing his hair bright red.

Mark Todhunter, 35, of Lunedale Road, Mowden, became a redhead to raise money for the charity and draw attention to men working in childcare.

"I stand out already as I'm often the only man in an all-female environment, so I thought why not stand out even more?" he said.

The father-of-two is studying for a qualification in Child Care and Early Years at Darlington College of Technology and is on the committee of the Darlington Childminders' Group.

With his freshly-dyed hair, Mr Todhunter said: "It looks very bright and I have to say I do feel a little self-conscious, but it is all for a worthwhile cause."

The Sunderland football fan, whose natural hair colour is light brown, said: "Next year I might go for red and white stripes."

His hair had to be bleached then dyed, in a process that took two hours at the Talking Heads salon, on Cockerton Green.

Mr Todhunter said: "I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has sponsored me, and a special thanks to my wife, Liz, for raising so much cash."