SANTA Claus swapped his sleigh for a Harley Davidson motorbike on Saturday when he made an early visit to the region's youngsters.

About 100 people were in Yarm High Street to welcome an entourage of bikers and police who escorted Santa as he rode as a pillion passenger.

He chatted with children before setting up his grotto at The House, where he will stay until Christmas Eve.

Store manager Allison McLaughlin-Day said: "They came down the street, revving their bikes.

"People came from all over to see him and said they had seen Santa arrive in many ways, but never on a Harley Davidson. It was absolutely splendid and he was inundated with children wanting to talk to him."

Entry to Santa's Grotto costs £5, with £1 going to the NSPCC. Children receive a present, chocolates and can have their photo taken with Santa.

Opening times are: December 13, 20, 11am to 5pm, December 21, 11am to 4pm; December 22 and 23, 11am to 5pm; and Christmas Eve, 9am to 1pm.