A MEETING for residents of the Richmondshire district interested in next year's police budget has been rearranged to suit the organisations which wished to attend.

Originally, the public forum was to take place at The King's Head Hotel, Richmond, on Friday, January 23.

However, some representatives could not make that date so the meeting will now be held between 2pm and 4pm at the Colburn Community Health and Leisure Centre on Friday, January 30.

"We can't emphasise enough how important it is for the police authority to hear the public's views so that we can take them into account when finally deciding on council tax levels,'' said Councillor Michael Heseltine, a member of Richmondshire police authority.

"By attending these events or taking part in other consultation activity, people can really influence our decision."

For more information about the meeting, call (01765) 641839