BRIGHT pupils at a primary school have achieved some of the best grades in the country.

Most of the 13 seven to eleven year-old children at Hovingham CE Primary School, in Ryedale, achieved above-average scores in their Standard Assessment Tests last year.

In English, 11 children achieved a level five, and eight children managed a level five in Maths and Science.

The expected level of achievement is level four.

Headteacher Susan Wainwright said: "We have been very fortunate to have a fairly generous staffing ration and have very talented teachers.

"It's about a partnership between parents, teachers and children working together."

One pupil sat the test a year early and managed a level five in all three core subjects.

All the pupils received a level four in English and Science and 92 per cent in Maths.

North Yorkshire was ranked the 17th best local education authority in the country.