PEOPLE who have embarked on projects to improve the environment in County Durham are being urged to enter a competition.

The County Durham Environment Award, which recognises projects from wildlife gardens to building restoration, is open to schools, community groups, businesses and individuals.

It is Durham County Council's 15th annual competition and people have until Friday, February 20, to enter.

Chris Tunstall, the council's director of environment, said: "The award is a great way of recognising and rewarding all sections of the community that work hard to help improve the built and natural environment in County Durham.

"Their efforts are immensely important and, taken alongside the county council's Urban and Rural Renaissance programme, help improve the vitality and quality of many of our smaller towns and villages.

"The award's prime objective is to encourage good design and sustainable principles in all aspects of the built and natural environment."

There are six award categories: built environment; craftsmanship; natural environment and countryside improvement; management and restoration of minerals and waste disposal; schools and Local Action 21; and Access for All.

To be eligible for the award, projects must have been completed during last year, with the exception of tree planting, which should have been established for a minimum of five years.

Entry forms are available from the Director of Environment, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UQ, or on 0191-383 3347.

The contest is sponsored by English Heritage, Premier Waste Management, Local Action 21 and County Durham Environmental Trust.