A PENSIONER was knocked to the ground by two teenage robbers who left her with a broken arm.

The 69-year-old woman was walking along Northumberland Avenue, Bishop Auckland, when she was struck from behind, causing her to fall, last Thursday at 10.10pm.

When she looked up she saw two teenagers on bicycles standing over her. They asked if she was alright, then stole her handbag.

The woman told police she was deliberately knocked down but was unsure whether the youths, one of whom wore a dark blue woollen hat, ran into her with their bikes or whether she was pushed over.

She said her leather shoulder bag contained about £50 and various personal cards, had been stolen.

Police are connecting the robbery to a similar incident that happened less than half a mile away last Tuesday.

A 75-year-old woman was walking through an alley from Wesley Grove to East Parade when her way was blocked by two youths, one on foot and one on a bike.

As she tried to walk past them, the youth on the bike reached out and snatched her black canvas shopping bag, containing £50. The youths then made off in the direction of the B&Q store in Hardisty Drive.

The cyclist was described as aged about 18. He was about 5ft 8in and of slim build.

He was also said to be wearing a light baseball cap and a navy tracksuit top with black tracksuit bottoms. His accomplice was of similar age, build and height. He had short, dark hair and was said to be wearing a dark tracksuit.

Anyone who witnessed either of the attacks is asked to contact Bishop Auckland CID on (01388) 603566, or Crime-stoppers on 0800 555111.