INSPECTORS could be sent to a North-East local authority because of unacceptable delays in delivering benefits.

The Government announc-ed yesterday that snap inspections of councils that take 80 days or more to process new claims for housing benefit would take place.

It means Teesdale is likely to face a spotcheck, as it took 89 days to process claims in the six months to last September, the latest date for which statistics are available.

Elsewhere in the region, performances ranged from 63 days in Wear Valley to 21 days in South Tyneside.

Housing Benefits Minister Chris Pond said: "Councils must raise their game to make sure people with a genuine entitlement to benefits get the help they need.

"I have agreed that the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate (BFI) can select councils on an ongoing basis."

Mr Pond said the BFI would inspect authorities where performance was 80 days or worse after April, rather than basing decisions on last year's figures.

The BFI, working with the Audit Commission, produces star ratings for all local councils, which take into account the administration of benefits.