AN angry mother claims a £250,000 plan to revamp a Darlington park is long overdue.

Claire Easby, who has an eight-year-old daughter, Nadine, said North Lodge Park is littered with broken bottles, forcing parents to take their children elsewhere.

She said: "I keep hearing about plans to do up North Lodge Park, but they haven't touched it yet. It's an absolute disgrace.

"It should be great having a park on the doorstep but it is dangerous for kids because of the glass. There are a lot of kids around here that would love to go in but their parents won't let them."

Mrs Easby said she was becoming afraid to take her two dogs into the park because of gangs of youths.

Police warned pet owners to be careful after a dog was slashed in the face in the park in November.

"There are no lights in the park so at night it is pitch black," said Mrs Easby. "A dog has already been attacked there and it's very frightening."

Police said they were aware of anti-social behaviour in the park, including drug taking.

Community Inspector Sue Collingwood said: "It's something we are addressing because it is of concern to the public. We are working with community wardens on the problem."

Darlington Borough Council has secured more than £250,000 from the New Opportunities Fund to transform the park.

Work to install closed-circuit television cameras, extra lighting and a play area and to improve seating, footpaths, tennis courts and the bandstand will start in March.

A council spokeswoman said: "We have had nothing reported to us about glass but we will investigate it. Someone will go out there today.

"If this lady can bear with us, work will start on the park in the next couple of months and hopefully residents will see improvements fairly immediately."