PROUD students have unveiled their own website, which is set to help them and their peers with revision.

Pupils in year ten and 11 at Spennymoor Comprehensive created because they were unimpressed with other websites designed to help them with homework and revision

The idea came from students who are part of the XL Club, which is a Prince's Trust supported initiative.

They enlisted the help of XL Advisor Helen Jeffreys, who is based at the school, and put together a detailed bid to the Millennium Commission. Ms Jeffreys said: "This has all been planned and produced by the students themselves and they managed to secure £15,000 funding through their bid.

"We brought in professional web designers Digital Data, from South Church, to listen to the students' ideas and it went from there.

"They have even organised the launch themselves. It has been a really good project for them to do and they have been absolutely tremendous.

"They have taken responsibility for the whole thing and they have been really dedicated. Some of the year 11 pupils who are going on to sixth form have volunteered to keep the website updated.''

The idea behind the website is to consolidate learning.

Teachers have helped by devising curriculum-type questions to help the students revise what they have learned in lessons.

Durham County Council's Director of Education Keith Mitchell, who officially launched the site, congratulated the students and all those who supported them while creating the website.