Seven of Darlington Mowden Park's players have won places in the North-East of England Under-16 Regional Girls' squad.

All have played for Durham County and, as a result, were invited to regional trials at Bullocksteads, Newcastle. The trials were gruelling and really put them through their paces but the Mowden girls were not fazed, played their hearts out and were rewarded with selection. There are 26 in the North East squad and competition for the 12 places in the starting line up in matches will be intense, but the Mowden players are in with an excellent chance.

The Mowden players selected for the North-East are: Laura Collins, Ally Cull, Sarah Ferguson, Amber Hyde, Sian Taylor, Siobhan Vardy and Judy Williams. Laura, Amber and Ally are seasoned North East players, having represented the region last year but the others are all new to the squad. Indeed, Judy Williams and Sian Taylor have done remarkably well to be chosen to play at this level as they are both just 12 years of age and in their first season of U16 girls' rugby; they are the two youngest in the squad and their future in rugby looks bright.

Anita Blackburn, Durham County Girls' secretary said: "Nine Durham County players have won places in the North-East squad. For seven of them to come from Mowden Park is a real achievement for the club and shows the strength of girls' rugby at Mowden.

"With continued effort and commitment, I am sure that they all have the skills and talent to be selected to play regional matches."

The North-East squad trains every week at Bullocksteads and has a series of fixture throughout the country that culminate in the Regional 10s at Lichfield in May. At Lichfield the England coaches watch the games and choose players to attend the England Junior Performance Camp, in the summer, at Loughborough University.