South Moor Sports had to work hard for their win over Pelton Crown Inn with a Rhys Tomlinson goal all that eventually separated the sides and keeps the Sports on top of the table.

Stanley RAFA moved off the foot of the table following a 5-2 win over the Low Fell Jolly Miller who scored through John Robinson and Mark Stevenson. In what was an excellent team display, the RAFA had five different marksmen in John Maughan, Ian Maughan, Lee Tweedy, Chris Youll and Lewis Carr-Slones.

Stanley Royal kept up their title challenge with an 8-0 win over Gateshead Black Bull. Mark Drake scored four goals, there were a couple for David Robson and others from Ian Watson, and Kevin Dixon to maintain the Royal's 100 per cent record.

In the Hospitals Cup, Pelton Fell WMC reached the semi finals with a 5-1 win over Stanley Masons Arms SC. Derek Willis (3), Andy Cuthbertson and Frank Tiffen did the damage with Carl Allaker scoring for the Masons just before half time.