A METAL sculpture made by adults with learning disabilities and a blacksmith has been unveiled at a training centre in Nunthorpe.

The 6ft garden sculpture is the result of the metalworks project at Upsall Hall Rural Adult Training Centre, which has seen blacksmith David Stephenson working with staff and students for three years.

In that time, the group has installed a forge, learnt all the technical and safety procedures of smithing, designed and made original goods, given public displays and hosted one of the six annual international "forge-ins" organised by the British Association of Artist Blacksmiths, in 2003.

The sculpture, which includes plant forms, insects and birds, celebrates the garden and the wildlife of Upsall Hall.

Rowena Sommerville, from Tees Valley Arts, which managed the scheme, funded by the Health Action Zone Innovations Fund and the Northern Rock Foundation, said: "The money has funded the blacksmith to go to Upsall Hall for one day each week over nearly three years and he has overseen the installation of the forge.

"The participants have been so proud of their achievements and they've really loved it.

"Funding for the project has now ended but we are hoping to secure further funding to continue with the scheme at the hall, which has been such a success."