Ladies AGM: A well attended meeting of lady golfers met in the club house to elect officer for the 2004 season as follows:

Lady captain Dorothy Hill, vice-captain Jean Harvey, secretary Jackie French, treasurer Wyn Thompson, handicap secretary Mary Langthorne, competition secretary Shirley Bibby, committe Liz Stubbs, Sue Mayman, Marilyn Dawson, Pauline Morris, Yvonne Forrester, Margaret Burleigh, Ena Black.

Ladies competition

Organised by the lady vice-captain Jean Harvey 31 golfers played in a Stableford and blind team event in conditions reminiscent of a summer's day. Winners were: Fiona Blaken, Julie Nobles, Carol Shaw, Stella Shepherd, Julia Doughty, Joan Sanderson, Pam Fretwell, Wynn Thompson, Norma Butterworth.

Harrogate Union Winter League

This round of the ladies winter league was played at Ilkley. The team of Pauline Morris and Gillian Petrie, Mavis Burton and Jackie French, Dorothy Hill and Marilyn Dawson played excellent golf to leave Bedale one point ahead of Harrogate and two points ahead of Oakdale. With the final match to be played at Harrogate the home team must have some advantage but the result could be interesting.


A Stableford competition this weekproduced good scoring in wintry conditions.

Leading scores: 39 points Noel Winstanley (12); 38 Jim Brunskill (18); 37 Trevor Robotham (20); 35 Keith Langford (21).