POLICE across the county will tuck into porridge to raise coppers for a cancer charity.

Officers are taking part in Cancer Research UK's Britain's Biggest All Day Breakfast fundraising event next Wednesday and Friday.

Durham County Council's catering section, Service Direct, which provides meals at police stations, is taking part in the event for the third time.

Stuart Thompson of Service Direct said: "We will be serving up a healthy selection of tasty dishes as well as fund-raising competitions. Last year we raised over £2,000 for Cancer Research UK. This year we are hoping do better than ever before."

Lindsay Kay, Cancer Research UK community fund-raiser, said holding a breakfast party is an easy way to raise money. She said: "Just pick the time and place, then invite your guests. By getting each of your guests to donate £1 or more, you will be helping Cancer Research UK in its quest to cure cancer faster."