CHOCOLATE treats are off the menu at a primary school where health has become the watch word.

Newker Primary School, in Chester-le-Street, has received a clean bill of health, acknowledging it as a good all-round environment for pupils.

It became the latest recipient of a Healthy Schools Standard Award, presented by Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust.

County councillor Brian Ebbatson, a trust board member, handed the certificate to Amanda Brand, Newker's healthy schools co-ordinator, in front of pupils at a packed assembly.

Headteacher Joan Gammon said the award follows a thorough audit, taking in everything from dietary issues and exercise opportunities to drugs advice and anti-bullying initiatives.

"It reflects that the assessors consider us to be a happy and contented school, as well as a caring one.

"We have to ensure visitors and parents are made welcome and we have to have an holistic approach to the development of the child, not just from an academic point of view.

"It is about their general well-being, citizenship and health education."

Mrs Gammon said one down-side of the new approach is the removal of sweet treats for good group work.

"We occasionally gave sweets as a reward, but they've been replaced by dried apricots. Perhaps, not surprisingly, some of the pupils are not so keen on this side of the award scheme."

The certificate has taken pride of place in the entrance hall of the Waldridge Lane school for all to view.

Healthy School status applies for two years, when the school will be re-assessed to ensure standards remain high.