A FLAGSHIP children's centre has been given the go-ahead despite protests from neighbouring residents.

The development, which will link the award-winning Wingate Community Nursery School to an existing family centre, was sanctioned at a meeting of Durham County Council's planning committee.

The decision comes despite opposition from both the area's parish council and residents in neighbouring New Cross Row and Partridge Terrace.

The protestors, who raised a 187-name petition against the proposal, claimed construction of the centre would make an already dangerous traffic problem in the two roads which would flank the development worse.

But, at the planning meeting, assurances were given that measures would be taken to ensure the traffic flow in the streets would be eased.

County Councillor Lenny O'Donnell, who represents the ward, said residents' views had been taken on board at two public meetings and amendments had been made to the plans as a result.

He said that he was acutely aware of the traffic problems in the two streets and surveys had been carried out by the county council in consultation with the police.

Coun O'Donnell also revealed that to help ease the situation, double yellow lines would be placed around the nursery complex and a footpath would be installed.

He added that provision was to be made at neighbouring Wellfield Comprehensive School for parking places for nursery users, which meant there would only be four parking places on the site for key employees.

Coun O'Donnell said the county council would invite neighbouring residents to report anyone flaunting the restrictions.

Opposing the development, Sandra Marley, of Partridge Terrace, who attended the planning meeting, said: "We are gutted at the decision and we are not reassured or optimistic that any of these proposed traffic measures will be effective.''