A man from Teesside has had the chance to use training equipment as a reward for serving the RAF for 41 years.

Barrie Jackson, 56, of Hartlepool, piloted a Tornado fighter jet simulator in a training exercise against simulated enemy planes.

The event was organised to mark Mr Jackson's retirement as an RAF volunteer reserve officer after continuous service with the air training corps at 473 Squadron

Mr Jackson has been a cadet, warrant officer, officer and has twice held the post of commanding officer. He will remain as a civilian volunteer helping to teach cadets to fly on a room-sized simulator at RAF Leeming, which Mr Jackson helped to build.

He said: "I would like to thank everyone at 473 Squadron and RAF Leeming.

"It was great breaking the sound barrier but it took a long time to slow down again. The whole experience was fabulous."

The 473 (Hartlepool) Squadron based at the TA Centre, Easington Road, is looking for members. Anyone interested in joining the squadron should call Flight Lietenant Iain Jenkins, on (01429) 295162.