A DISTRAUGHT woman is appealing to thieves who stole her camcorder containing tapes that have a sentimental value to return them.

The JVC camcorder and 8mm tapes were taken last Friday night from Michelle Devine's flat above The Lambton Castle pub, in Stockton High Street.

She is appealing for their return and has urged anyone who knows anything about them to get in touch.

She said: "The tapes are of great sentimental value to me as they contain pictures of my dad who died six years ago and were of the last Christmas we spent together.

"They also contain pictures of my son's first words and his growing up, but I can capture some more of that as he grows even more.

"However I want the tapes of my dad back.

"I had never got around to putting them on film and I really want to get them back."

Police are investigating the theft from the flat, which took place between 7.30pm and 11pm, on Friday.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Ms Devine on 07973 364323.