Darlington Gymnastics Club are currently celebrating after an excellent performance at the recent Regional Club Grade Championships. More than 100 girls took part in the competition held at the City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy, with twelve of the girls representing the town gymnastics club.

The championships not only involved the girls competing against other clubs from all over the North of England but also attaining a specific score to enable them to pass to the next grade the following year. All the Darlington girls involved competed extremely well throughout the competition, with all girls passing their relevant grade.

In addition to this achievement, Victoria Corner aged 9 won a bronze medal coming third in Grade 5, Alicia Kenshole aged 10 achieved a very creditable fourth in Grade 4. Whilst both Harriet Walker aged 10 and Katie Woodward aged 13 both came fifth in very tough grade 3 and 2 competitions and won places in the North of England Regional Team for their efforts. Both will now travel to Kettering in April to represent the region at the National Grades Final.

Head coach Nicky Sanderson said "Well done to all the girls, they all worked very hard in preparation for their grades and their achievements are all well deserved, congratulations!"