TRUSTEES of a public hall are delighted that a £6m refurbishment plan has been approved.

But planning officers have warned that unless an agreement is reached over disabled access to Witham Hall, Barnard Castle, County Durham, the application may have to be returned to a planning committee.

Teesdale District Council's development control (south) committee voted unanimously to approve the scheme, which will include a 176-seat theatre, a dance hall, a cafe and bar, a toddlers' play area, a technology suite and a meeting room.

Elizabeth Conran, a former curator of the Bowes Museum, at Barnard Castle, and a trustee of the hall, said the next step was applying for grants.

She said: "I've no idea how long this will take as it's not just a matter of filling in application forms and people will have to be realistic. But this is a sign that the community wants the scheme and we've got to be able to show that people will use it if it gets built."

The application was granted permission subject to a compromise being reached over the design of a disabled access ramp at the front of the building.

The ramp has been criticised as being too large and out of character with the street.

Durham County Council highways department is meeting today to discuss the ramp and any recommendations will be passed on to the district council.

Teesdale's principal planning officer, Trevor Watson, said: "If they recommend the ramp is not suitable, we will work to try and find a satisfactory compromise.

"I'm hopeful we will be able to sort something out.