NORTH Yorkshire has been dubbed a "breeding ground for innovation" after small to medium-sized businesses across the county received more than £4m in awards.

Since 1998, Business Link York and North Yorkshire adviser Roger Benson has helped 100 businesses - 90pc of which gained DTI-sponsored research and development grants.

This has given him a success rate which is 30pc higher than both the Yorkshire and Humber regional and the national averages of 60pc for companies seeking this type of award.

After discussing with a company the viability of a project for funding, Mr Benson offers support on a range of issues including market analysis, developing a strategic business plan and guidance on the grant proposal.

Formerly entitled Smart awards, the grants have funded technologically innovative projects with amounts of £9,000 to £150,000.

Mr Benson has been excited by the incredible variety of projects he has come across, including seafood, horticultural, technology, martial arts and medical.

One company, Peratech, which was founded in Richmond but is now based in Darlington, is an electronic materials business which has grown from strength to strength since winning a £43,000 Smart feasibility award six years ago.

This helped it to develop a touch-sensitive polymer and provided initial funding to conduct trials. David Lussey, chairman and chief technical officer, said Mr Benson helped them win their first bit of real funding.

"Business Link's guidance was brilliant as regards preparing the award proposal and stressing the importance of the patenting process," he said. Andrew Brown, director of Boroughbridge-based Aircraft Design Bureau, received a Smart award in 2002 to fund the development of an unmanned vehicle with vertical take-off and landing abilities.

"I owe a lot to Roger for his guidance on my Smart award application. Without his substantial expertise, I doubt I would have stood as good a chance of achieving the award," he said.

Information on help and advice services offered by Business Link is available on 01904 686000 or at