A FOOTBALL club chairman last night received the highest honour a town could bestow upon him - and became its youngest ever recipient.

Middlesbrough Football Club chairman Steve Gibson was conferred with the Freedom of the Borough of Middlesbrough.

The businessman, who last month took his team to victory in the Carling Cup Final, said: "It goes without saying that I am very, very proud. It's been a great couple of weeks - and this (honour) is really finishing it off."

Mr Gibson, who once dabbled in local politics and became the youngest member of Middlesbrough Borough Council, was cited for "the eminent services rendered by him to the economic and social wellbeing of the community.''

Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon said: "In 100 years time, people will still be talking about Steve Gibson for what he has done for the football club, what he has done across the board."

Councillor Paul Thompson, the council's Labour group leader, described Mr Gibson as "a champion for the town and a positive role model for the young people of Middlesbrough".

Yesterday, the Government announced a grant giving the football club the go-ahead for solar panels in the roof of its stadium. They will provide energy for floodlights and for underfloor heating - hopefully preventing matches being postponed.