SUNDAY saw the Darlington Motor Club run the second round of their club trials championship at Braidley in Coverdale, where an entry of 110 competitors tested their skill round three laps of a 12-section course in heavy continuous rain.

From the organisers point of view, there was a distinct lack of helpers despite the large entry, who had been told beforehand that if they provided an observer they would get a free entry.

But only four observers turned up and two competitors were good enough to relinquish their ride and observe on the event. They were Malcolm Reynolds and Nigel Cummins.

On the hard course, the leading expert was David Hardy on a Gas Gas. He parted with 66 marks and was well beaten by intermediate riders Gerald Richardson and his brother Les, both riding Betas, who finished on 37 and 51 respectively.

Second overall best performance on the hard course was put up by A-class youth, Guy Kendrew, who took his Bultaco round for the loss of 42 marks.

Results. - Expert: 1 David Hardy (Gas Gas) 66. Intermediates: 1 Gerald Richardson (Beta) 37; 2 Les Richardson (Beta) 51. Novices: 1 David Mawer (Beta) 71; 2 Martin McGregor (Bultaco) 74; 3 Gary Watson (Montesa) 85. A-class: 1 Guy Kendrew (Bultaco) 42; 2 Jonathan Richardson (Beta) 71; 3 Jack Beadle (Gas Gas) 106. Green course: 1 David Braithwaite (Gas Gas) 39; 2 Leigh Smith (Scorpa) 60; 3 Chris Lowes (Gas Gas) 64. Clubmen: 1 Nigel Todd (Bultaco) 36; 2 John Walker (Scorpa) 41; 3 Paul Turner 44. Over 40s: 1 Peter Gaunt (Scorpa) 47; 2 Neil Metcalfe (Scorpa) 49; 3 Philip Kendrew (Bultaco) 49. Twin shock: 1 Ernie Bainbridge (Yamaha) 44; 2 John Alderson (Honda) 73. A-class easy: 1 Robert James (Bultaco) 59; 2 Richard White (Bultaco) 101. B-class: 1 William Reynolds (Bultaco) 65; 2 Jack Rayner (Bultaco) 65; 3 Tom Fraser (Bultaco) 66. C-class: 1 Richard Sadler (Beta) 47; 2 Richard Fraser (Bultaco) 89; 3 Bevan Blacker (Beta) 98. D-class easy: 1 T Wolfden (Beta) 9; 2 Joe Clements (Beta) 9; 3 Sam Jenning (Gas Gas) 15. D-class hard: 1 Dale Whittaker (Gas Gas) 34; 2 Scott Thompson (Gas Gas) 43; 3 Josh Atkinson (Gas Gas) 98.

Seaton Delaval Motor Club were also in action on Sunday with their North East Centre Championship round for the Halford cup, which was run over a four-lap, ten-section course at Bilsmoor Park, Elsdon, Northumberland.

As continuous rain fell the 77 competitors found the going very tricky. Best expert and outright winner was Paul Nicholson on his Gas Gas, who finished on 17, just six marks clear of Colin Ward (Sherco), with Eddie Aitken a further three marks down taking the intermediate class.

Young Lewis Peart on his Beta put up a good ride to take A-class about 40 marks clear of second in class, Chris Gibson (Scorpa).

Section nine, a climb up a rocky bank side, took plenty of marks. Nicholson had a quick dab on the first lap and then went clean to clean, while Ward went clean 2-5-3 and Aitken had a 1-5-5-2 here.

Results. - Expert course: 1 P Nicholson (Gas Gas) 17; 2 C Ward (Sherco) 23. Intermediates: 1 Eddie Aitken (Sherco) 26; 2 Michael Lee (Sherco) 42; 3 Ian Stephen (Sherco) 60. Novices: 1 David Humble (Scorpa) 77; 2 Tony Hodgson (Sherco) 88; 3 Steve Biggins (Montesa) 99. A-class: 1 Lewis Peart (Beta) 59; 2 Chris Gibson (Scorpa) 98; 3 Chris Haney (Gas Gas) 116. Clubmen's course: Novices: 1 Stephen Moody (Scorpa) 48; 2 Steve Vitty (Gas Gas) 60; 3 Darren Palmer (Montesa) 62. A-class: 1 Guy Mordue (Montesa) 72; 3 Steven Members (Montesa) 101. B-class: 1 Dale Robson (Gas Gas) 74. Easy course: 1 Colin Lee (Sherco) 25MC; 2 Ken McConachie (Gas Gas) 25. Pre-65: 1 Eric McMeekin (BSA) 20; 2 Bill Emmerson (BSA) 77; 3 Joe McComisky (Triumph) 102. A-class: 1 Lee Watson (Gas Gas) 58; 2 James Olaman (Beta) 103. B-class: 1 Philip Smith (Beta) 46; 2 Joe McMeekin (Clipic) 50; 3 Adam Battensby (Gas Gas) 50. C-class: 1 Anthony Stephen (Sherco) 123