A phenomenal river season came to a close at midnight on Sunday and anglers will now only be able to debate the huge catches and eagerly wait for it to start again from the June 16.

Saturday's River Swale Preservation Society Mike Winney Memorial Trophy fished on the Morton to Baldersby reaches saw 63 competitors turn out and it was chub galore as the season signed off in sensational style.

Darlington's Rob Stubbs winner of last year's event and no stranger to big bags was once the proud holder of the National Angling Championships record with a weight of 121.11.8 now boasts a new Middle Swale record, a magnificent haul of 104.0.0.

Rob pegged downstream of the Hawthorne fence end on the Skipton airfield stretch missed a bite on his first cast on the bomb. Quickly switching to stickfloat with double maggot the 4ft shallow glide was packed full of chub eager to feed and 43 specimens later an historic arm aching five hours came to a close.

On a day of breaking records the top four in the frame all surpassed the old trophy record of 51.11.0 as Brotherton's Adrian Evans just nicked runner-up spot by one fish returning 65.3.0.

Drawing on the run off below rookery bend at Tweddles Farm Morton, stickfloat and maggot accounted for 18 chub and a single grayling.

Hot on his heels followed RSPS Tek Neek Trabucco ace Steve Taylor who included a colossal chub of 5.14.0 as tactics wise more of the same delivered 62.4.0 from the glide above Skipton Bridge.

Making up the record breaking quartet Darlington's Barry Stephenson replied with 52.8.0 from Ainderby.

The event raised £190 for future restocking and 13 double figured nets were taken.

Staying with the Swale, gale force winds ruled out any big weights come Sunday and low clear conditions prevailed for the Darlington BT Despatch Cup around Ellerton.

Fish were tightly shoaled and only Darlington's Dave Firth located chub in any numbers.

Staked on Castlehill corner upstream of Gibson's farm runner away winner Dave offered wasp grub, caster and maggot hookbaits on the stickfloat to entice nine specimens from the farside shallow glide for an impressive 32.14.0.

Fellow rod Ray Ingram sat above the wires at Tilcon Gravels and legered bread for a trio of chub totalling 9.6.0.

Strong winds were also a major handicap on the Tees during Sunday's Yarm AA March Open attended by 52 competitors unable to use the pole or float effectively and from a venue lacking in colour not a single bream showed.

Chublets on the feeder decided the outcome on adjoining pegs below Fisheries Bend.

Steve Fearn of Yarm on feeder and bread to midriver tempted all his 23 fish in the opening half for a winning 23.13.0 of peg 146.

RSPS Tek Neek Trabucco's Gerry Bowes upstream opted for caster and feeder collecting 20 chublets for 20.5.0.

Trout news

Tunstall Reservoir opens tomorrow. Day tickets are £15 (six fish limit and catch & release). For further information tel: 07787917329


Tomorrow: Woodland Lakes Open - Tickets on 01845 / 526110

Sunday: Woodland Lakes Open Oaks Whizzo Open Cedar Lake Sessay