Sir, - It is becoming weekly more evident that the ruling coterie of Richmondshire district councillors is not thinking or indeed working pro-actively when managing the "animal" it is supposed to democratically control on behalf of the electorate.

You reported (D&S, Feb 27) that the leader of the council, Coun John Blackie, had suddenly woken up to the fact that "we can't carry on like this" when presumably he realised that yet again the district and county councils, the police and the fire brigade were all seeking above-inflation rises in council tax for 2004/2005. Wow!

Our esteemed leader's solution to this dawning of awareness was to instigate a special working group to go through the budget with a fine toothcomb so as to avoid another over-the-top rise in 2005/2006. Wow again! Aren't we lucky to have such a far-seeing bunch of individuals looking after our interests?

A pro-active assembly of good managers? Not a chance when the district council, acting like the headless chicken it now resembles, decides to axe the Gallowgate sports centre to save spending £15,000. This small sum in the context of the total budget is almost trivial.

Given that Coun Blackie can actually recognise a budget, importantly understands how to manage one, and perhaps most importantly knows the value of such a document, why is he not actually monitoring things regularly with a fortnightly review of income and expenditure? It should be a mandatory part of his job description.

If he did such reviews then perhaps he would not need to react so much, but instead should be able to see where areas of overspend were developing. This is not a new science and we are entitled to expect that our elected councillors are able to manage our money properly. All the recent evidence says otherwise.




Lame excuses

Sir, - I am sick of hearing these lame explanations as to why Richmond Sports Centre should close (D&S letters, Mar 12).

Where does Coun John Blackie live? Obviously not within Richmond, for sure. I have spoken to many people who live within Richmond and not one person believes closing Richmond Sports Centre is the right decision.

Does Coun Blackie really think that St Francis Xavier School will be used by the people of Richmond during a normal school day? I don't think so.

I would be more than happy to speak to Coun Blackie in person if he so wishes. But I doubt this will happen because he has not listened to a word anyone has said to date.

Many young people talk about being bored at night, and by losing yet another amenity and not replacing it with any like-for like substitute immediately is just ridiculous. I hope Coun Blackie can arrange free transport so that young and old who currently enjoy sports recreation will be able to reach other local amenities

I had a discussion with Richmondshire District Council over two years ago when purchasing my property and was advised there was to be no further developments allowed within the Garden Village. But the dance centre has disappeared to make way for housing and the sports centre is next. The advice I was given at the time influenced my decision to live in a "sought-after area". Cheap affordable housing does not enter the equation.

Most adults pay council tax, therefore why not listen to what people have to say before it is to late!

Coun Blackie is not fit to govern and is a disgrace to the people of Richmond.


Garden Village,


Irrational remark

Sir, - I refer to comments in the D&S on Friday, March 5, about the impending closure of Richmond Leisure Centre.

On Tuesday, February 24, the council leader suggested that after the closure of our leisure centre. those who had participated in sport should now transfer to Colburn or Brompton-on-Swale centres.

What an irrational remark. Richmond is already dying and now our council leader bangs another nail its its coffin, yet again depriving our town of income (remember the garden centre?) while shop owners at Colburn and Catterick Garrison clasp their hands together in anticipation of extra income.

Come on council leader, stop Richmond haemorrhaging in favour of Catterick and Colburn or better still "stand down" from your position.

Allow the council to appoint someone else who represents and appreciates us "townies" and our assets.


Hurgill Road,


Special meeting

Sir, - In reply to the letter from Coun John Blackie (D&S Mar 12) we, as the six district councillors representing Richmond, would like to make the following points:

The Sports Centre is in fact the Richmondshire Sports Centre and is used by people from all over the district.

In 2003 RDC renewed its promise that the centre would stay open until suitable dual use facilities were made available in Richmond. At the full council meeting on February 24, Coun Dunn stated "facilities at Richmond School would be online in September 2004". When challenged, Coun Dunn confirmed September 2004 as the date. In Coun Blackie's letter he states that this will not happen until September 2005. Who is right?

Coun Dunn appears to have made a unilateral decision that all group/block bookings would not be able to continue using the centre. This is contrary to a resolution of the community committee on January 13, 2004, which stated that users may be able to continue until they had found a suitable alternative venue.

Coun Blackie appeared to be sympathetic to the plight of the after-school group. The group now finds that its charges will be increased by 50pc. Who decided on this increase?

Because there appears to be so many unanswered questions we have requested a special council meeting, which will be open to the public, to discuss the Richmondshire Sports Centre. We believe that this is to be held on Tuesday, March 23 at 6.30pm in Swale House. If you are interested please attend.