THE arrival of mobile phone technology in remote parts of Swaledale has been welcomed.

Government guidelines urge planners to look fav-ourably on phone mast applications and a number of local authorities recently signed an agreement with the Mobile Operators Association to ensure the equipment blends with the countryside as much as possible.

As a result, Orange was recently given permission to install a mast at Whitaside and a signal is available in remote villages which, until now, have been cut off from mobile telecommunications.

"It was a tremendous relief to switch on my phone after a meeting in Swaledale and see a signal available," said Councillor John Blackie, leader of Richmondshire District Council.

"There are all sorts of people who could now benefit: walkers or farmers who may need to summon help in an emergency, for example, or motorists who need assistance. These are things many of us already take for granted but, in remote rural areas, they are perhaps more important than ever.

"Although it has had to wait a long time, I am delighted Swaledale is now able to enjoy one of the advantages of modern living."