PLANS for a floodlit athletics track at Guisborough are finally racing towards the finish after ten years of struggle and hope.

Two years ago, the project was moved from Saltburn to Guisborough because of difficulties connected with the original choice of site.

Graham Hall, chairman of the East Cleveland Athletics Track Association, said: "We never applied for Lottery grants at Saltburn because there were too many management issues.

"This was the main reason for looking at the Laurence Jackson School site at Guisborough where there is a sports centre and management. The management issue disappeared."

Mr Hall, who is also vice-chairman of New Marske Harriers, said the group planning the £400,000 track was applying for Lottery funding.

"Bids have to be in by March 31. I have been in touch with Sport England which is administering a new one-off fund, and we meet all the criteria. The signs are encouraging."

Mr Hall said the application was being made in partnership with the school and other sporting and employment bodies.

About £100,000 was in hand with a £50,000 landfill tax grant pending. New Marske Harriers and Redcar Running Club had raised £60,000.

The scheme takes in a 400m track with running, throwing and long-jump facilities included. It would be floodlit and have an all-weather track.

The aim is for it to be in use by September next year.

The project has been Mr Hall's dream for ten years. In 1995, when Lottery money became available, he realised a partnership approach was necessary so New Marske Harriers linked with several bodies, including local athletics and running clubs.

The project received a setback in 2002 when it was announced that all capital projects would be cancelled. Instead, the new one-off fund was set up, which allocated £10m for the North-east.

Mr Hall said the track would enhance the school site which takes in two sports halls, a gym, a dance area and an all-weather pitch. "An athletics track would be the last part of the jigsaw. It would be unique in England - even Middlesbrough Football Club doesn't have facilities for athletics," he added.

The full list of partners in addition to the harriers and school is: Health Action Zones, SureStart, Tees Forest, Tees Valley Sport, Redcar and Cleveland Parks and Countryside Management, Get Active on Prescription, Guisborough Cycling Initiative, East Cleveland Athletics and Track Association, Redcar Running Club, Loftus Athletics Club, Redcar and Cleveland Schools' Athletics Association, Redcar Race Walking Club and Cleveland Orienteering Club.