A BUSINESSMAN has expressed his disappointment with his local council after being ordered to repaint the front of his shop.

Peter Lown, the owner of Castle Cards in Market Place, Barnard Castle, has been refused planning permission to keep the front of his shop painted pink.

Mr Lown, who has run Castle Cards with his wife, Ann, for 12 years, painted the shop pink and indigo to match their carrier bags.

But Teesdale District Council felt the colour scheme of the Grade II-listed building was out of character with the rest of Barnard Castle Market Place.

A 1,517 name petition was passed to the council supporting the colours.

Mr and Mrs Lown said they would be prepared to accept a compromise suggested by the town council where the pink frontage would remain but the sills and door would be painted pastel grey or white.

Mr Lown said he did not know what his next step would be and was reviewing his options.

He said: "We don't know whether we will appeal yet.

"We're obviously very disappointed with the decision of the council.

"They didn't take into account the views of over 1,500 people or the suggestions of the town council. We've not had any objections about this."

But Barnard Castle Councillor Ken Coates said: "We're here for a responsibility to the town.

"If we vote for this we could open the floodgates for every listed building in this town.

"We should keep this as what a listed building should be."