SECOND World War veterans across Teesside are being urged to take advantage of a fund set up to pay for visits to areas where they served.

Dari Taylor, MP for Stockton South, asked them to come forward amid concerns the money allocated will go to the South.

The £10m Heroes Return Programme, paid for by the National Lottery's New Opportunities Fund, will enable veterans to take trips to countries, battlefields and cemeteries where they saw service between 1939 and 1945.

Mrs Taylor said: "I have never stopped feeling proud of all that the men, who fought in both world wars, have done for us. I have never forgotten that my freedom was at a cost to those men who lost their lives.

"I would urge anyone who would like to go back to the area they fought in and pay respects to their comrades who did lose their lives to take advantage of this fund.

"It would be nice if people from this area did apply, rather than all the money go south."

Veterans who are UK residents and saw active service with, or alongside, British and Allied Armed Forces will be eligible for the funding.

The money will also pay for spouses and carers to accompany them, and war widows and widowers will be able to claim for remembrance visits.

Although not wishing to return to Burma, where he was a nurse in the RAF, Thomas Booth did urge others to take advantage of the offer.

The 82-year-old said: "I saw many horrific casualties and things I will never forget and I have no wish to ever return to Burma.

"However, there may be men who fought in France who would like to go back and this may be their only opportunity.

"They will be able to say one last goodbye to their comrades."

The offer only runs until 2005.

Anyone wishing to take advantage of it is asked to contact freephone 0800 169 2277.