A SCHEME has finally been agreed in principal for the enhancement of Long Street, Thirsk.

The barren-looking street, one of the main entrances to the town, looks likely to receive a contribution of £50,000 to enhance it from Hambleton District Council.

The cabinet was yesterday expected to approve financial support for the scheme.

Not all funding envisaged has been forthcoming for the original £148,000 scheme, which went out to public participation last year, and a revised scheme has been designed.

Thirsk Town Council will contribute £5,000, the North Yorkshire County Council area committee £5,000, and Market Town Initiative £20,000, which along with the district council's share would bring total funding to £80,000.

Steve Quartermain, director of planning and environmental services, said in his report that it was still felt the new scheme would make a positive contribution to the appearance of Long Street and that if the authority declined to contribute to the scheme it was unlikely that it would progress.

The county council will already have spent more than £100,000 on lighting work by the end of this month.

This scheme would complement and augment that work, he said.

The initial part of the improvement would be the siting and planting of trees and bushes in wooden tubs.