GOVERNMENT Chief Whip MP Hilary Armstrong visited her former village to open a children's play area.

The North-West Durham MP launched the outdoor activities area in Howden-le-Wear Primary School, near Crook, on Friday.

Pupils were delighted with their slide, hut and other play equipment.

Ms Armstrong said: "There is nothing more important than providing the very best education for young people.

"This play area is a place for fun but also for learning. I am also delighted with the help the school has had to make it possible. The support of the local community for a school is essential."

Also attending were representatives from Crook Rotary Club, Seed Challenge, Lottery Awards for All, Neighbourhood Watch, Howden-le-Wear Residents' Association and the village toddler's group which donated funds for the equipment.

Power company NEDL helped by moving electricity cables from the site free of charge.