LANDOWNERS are being urged to make sure ramblers have access to rights of way.

Durham County Council has written to landowners across the county to remind them of their obligations under the Rights of Way Act 1990.

The council is asking landowners to ensure that any paths across arable land are kept open to the public and warned that it will be carrying out inspections of arable paths.

Durham has registered rights of way totalling 3,337 kilometres.

James Bush, North-East assistant regional director for the Country Land and Business Association, said: "Failure to comply with regulations risks a fine, or in extreme circumstances the council can carry out the work and send landowners the bill."

A leaflet, Public Rights of Way - Free Guide for Landowners and Occupiers, is available from Countryside Section, Environment and Technical Services Department, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UQ, or call 0191-383 3239