CHILDREN at a youth club received a visit from Darlington Football Club manager David Hodgson after raising £100 for the club.

The Red Hall Youth Centre, in Darlington, which provides out-of-school activities for five to 13-year-olds from the Red Hall estate, took part in a range of fundraising events, including car washing, a Stars in their Eyes contest, a 24-hour stay-awake and bag packing at the Marks and Spencers store in Darlington.

After meeting children at the centre, Mr Hodgson said: "It was extremely thoughtful that the kids have taken the time to raise £100 for the club. It is nice to know that youngsters in and around Darlington are thinking of the football club. We are very grateful for that."

Play worker Shaun Airey said: "The kids had a brilliant time raising the money."

The centre is financed by the Children's Fund and the Red Hall Partnership. Donations are welcome and can be made by contacting 07876 682754.