A PRIZE draw could be introduced to encourage council tenants to pay their rent on time.

Derwentside District Council is considering setting up a scheme to reward what it described as "loyal and responsible tenants".

Figures taken on February 1 by the authority showed that 3,257 tenants - about half - were behind with payments and owed the council more than £739,000 in arrears. The average level of arrears was £226.

Residents will only be eligible for the scheme if their account is in credit or clear at the time the random draw takes place. Prizes will range from £250 for the first name out of the hat, to £25 for fourth place.

Tenants associations across the district have been consulted on the draw.

It follows the success of a similar project run by a housing association, which offers £200 to tenants who give four weeks' notice and leave their home in a reasonable condition.

Councillors will vote next week on setting aside £1,000 for the initiative.