TEARAWAYS on motorbikes are being targeted by police, determined to put a brake on their manic riding.

Worried that some enthusiasts who ride both motorcycles and quad bikes are becoming a danger to children and adults using the countryside, police will use new powers to seize machines that they consider are being ridden carelessly or inconsiderately.

Sergeant Dave Sutherland, of Langbaurgh's Neighbourhood Task Group, said: "People involved are being given fair warning that if they continue to act like this they could have their machines taken off them.

"It is an offence to use such off-road machines on the highway without the necessary documentation - driving licence, insurance and tax. It is also an offence to use them in the woods and hills surrounding our towns as it poses a danger to walkers and horse riders."

Cleveland Police will look at particular hot spots around New Marske and Marske and other stretches of east Cleveland.

Sgt Sutherland said: "We regularly receive reports about people riding roughshod in parts of the countryside and we intend to stop it."