A CAMPAIGN to promote alternatives to car travel has been launched by a council and supermarket.

Hartlepool Borough Council has contributed £5,500 from its Local Transport Plan budget to fund a purpose-built secure bicycle store at the town's Asda store. It is hoped the facility will encourage more of the 450 staff employed there to cycle to work, knowing they have somewhere safe to leave their bikes.

The bicycle store is just one aspect of an ongoing partnership between the council and Asda that will hopefully result in production of a travel plan tailored to the needs of the workforce.

Travel plans are strategies that aim to reduce dependence on the car and increase the range of travel choices and opportunities to workers, including cycling, walking and more accessible public transport.

Karen Wilkinson, the council's travel plan co-ordinator, said: "We are not anti-car but it is important to try to provide alternative travel options. These alternatives are part of our drive for a sustainable future, but they can also bring immediate benefits in terms of people's health and protecting the environment."

Other initiatives being discussed as part of the Asda travel initiative include personalised journey planning on a one-to-one basis with staff, providing bus time- table information and car sharing.

Companies wanting to develop a travel plan are asked to contact Miss Wilkinson on (01429) 523259.