MORE than 300 children from six primary schools will be raising their voices in a musical celebration this Friday.

The pupils, from schools in Derwentside and Chester-le-Street, are performing a concert of world music to mark the end of a major arts initiative in north Durham.

Forging the Future saw professional artists and musicians engaged to go into schools, in a bid to improve motivation, increase self confidence and help tackle social exclusion.

The £200,000 project was organised by The Forge, Durham and Sunderland's arts and education agency.

Forge director Tony Harrington said: "We are really pleased with how it has developed, both for the children involved and for the artists who worked on the project."

Since it was launched in January 2003, it has involved about 1,400 pupils in activities such as digital animation, sound recording, singing, dance, storytelling and sculpture. Funding came from Durham County Council, Derwentside and Chester-le-Street district councils, and the European Single Regeneration Budget.

The concert, entitled A Musical Journey to Four Corners of the World, takes place in the Lamplight Arts Centre in Stanley. It is the first of three events celebrating the scheme's achievements.

"This is an exciting time because this is the climax of the project.," said Mr Harrington.

"But the important thing from our point of view is that the process of getting here has been a good one. It has hit our targets in terms of numbers and the fact that the quality of the experience was very high."

The concert features the 4 Corners World Music Network and pupils from Bloemfontein Primary, Leadgate Infants, Lumley Juniors, Lumley Medway Infants, Moorside Primary, and South Moor Greenland Infants.

Later this month, the two secondary schools involved in Forging the Future will be showcasing their new work, created with the help of a professional dance company, Tin Productions.

A group from Hermitage Comprehensive in Chester-le-Street will appear at Durham's Gala Theatre on March 31, while students from Moorside Comprehensive, in Consett will be performing at the Empire Theatre, Consett on April 1.