A Teesside council has issued an appeal for new school governor.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's schools have more than 900 men and women acting as governors among thousands nationwide, who make up the biggest volunteer workforce in the country.

But it is looking for new governors to fill the vacancies which occur when volunteers, who serve for a period of four years, chose not to continue with the role.

Glennis Smith, the council's manager of Governor Services, said: "You don't need any special qualifications or experience, just an interest in the education of children, a willingness to learn and the ability to commit time on a regular basis to attend meetings and get involved in the life of a school. "

The council offers a free induction training programme for anyone who would consider becoming a governor as well as an ongoing programme of further development training.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact Glennis Smith on (01642) 444333.