A clean-up of a Hartlepool estate got under way this week with the help of the Mayor.

The Operation Clean Sweep blitz is focused on the Rift House area.

The operation involves Hartlepool Borough Council working closely with the police, fire brigade and other organisations in a concentrated five-day clean-up. Mayor Stuart Drummond's initiative has previously targeted the Burbank, West View and Jutland Road areas, although these are smaller than the Rift House estate.

Karen Oliver, the council's central area towncare manager, said: "Rift House poses a significant challenge given its size but one we are confident of rising to.

"Lots of the work will be completed within the five-day period. However, some larger scale improvement schemes may continue for several weeks so we would ask residents to be patient and bear with us."

One scheme involves painting a large number of garages at various locations on the estate. And Mr Drummond was happy to help with the painting.