A HISTORY group is seeking help to commemorate a village's linen industry heritage.

Brompton Heritage Group is considering a number of ways to provide a lasting monument to the industry, which was the focus of the village for more than 300 years.

Members want to hear from local people and will be consulting with schools, the parish council and individuals over the coming months.

The group has recovered more than 1,500 bricks from the recently demolished chimney at the former Wilford's linen mill, and hopes these could be used in a memorial.

Group chairman Erik Matt-hews said: "We want to explore as many options as possible before any decision is made, and we also think it is important that village residents should play a part in this.

"There have been all sorts of suggestions, ranging from rebuilding the top of the chimney to creating seats or a sculpture."

Anyone wanting to put forward suggestions can contact Mr Matthews on (01609) 773393.