It's been a busy week for Hartlepool's Laura Setterfield in the Junior and Senior World of Squash.

Laura trains, is coached and plays at Norton Squash Club in Stockton and represents the Club at U17 and U15 as well as playing for the Mens senior 5th Team. However, Laura also plays for Nunthorpe Ladies first team and what a week the U15 County and U17 County and Northern Counties Champion has had.

It all started last Wednesday evening when Nunthorpe were to play Chester-le-Street 2nd Team for the Ladies Division Two Title.

Fourth string Cheryl Lewis unfortunately lost 3-0 putting the advantage the Wear Siders way. Jane Wilkinson was on the adjacent Squash Court playing some fine and solid squash that she has displayed all season to take her contest 3-0, to close the gap for the title within touching distance. Clare Redding then went on to put on her best performance of the season to record a 3-0 win to leave it up to the Hartlepool Junior to clinch it for the Nunthorpe Club.

Laura was to play Joanne Hilton who had not been beaten all season and has fate had it Laura was 2-0 up and 4-0 up in the third game last October against Hilton before injury during the game recorded Laura's only defeat all season.

The Hartlepool Junior set off at a fantastic pace hitting the ball hard and low taking the first game 9-0. The pressure was to be sustained in the second game taking the game comfortably 9-4. Laura had to take the last game to clinch the match and promotion to the Ladies Division 1. It was all over in less than five minutes as she scored a 9-2 result to clinch the Match and Title for Nunthorpe.

Laura was to have a busy week end ahead as she realised that the Harrogate Junior Open was to clash with the Semi Final of the Principia Cup.

She played the Semi Final of the Principia Cup at 3pm against the Division Champions No. 1 and put on a fine and controlled display of Squash that would have pleased any Squash player in the County with a hard fort and stamina sapping game, taking a well deserved 3-0 win too secure a Cup Final position for the Nunthorpe ladies 1st Team.

Laura Was then off to Harrogate to take on Yorkshire's Nicola Widdison who beat Laura back in December 3-1 in the Jesmond Junior Open U17 Girls Final.

Nicola was seeded No.1 for the tournament and Laura new if she was going to win the U17 Title she was going to have to take it 3-0.

It was not to be, she lost the first game 9-1of which nerves had its part to play and needed to relax for what was to be a long Semi Final Match.

The second game lasted 21 minutes with Laura's hard hitting, speed and fitness taking too much out of the Yorkshire Junior, for Laura to take the game 9-7. Nicola did not have time to get over that game and again Laura's superior shots and fitness took the game 9-2 and left her opponent frustrated at what to do next. The fourth was a battle of, survival of the fittest as shots were traded from back to front pulling each other to all four corners of the court as both players were blowing hard and looking tired wondering what they had to do next to win a point, but the Durham and Cleveland County Champion fired in some low hard kills and a well timed backhand drop nick to take the game and match 9-7.

She was to only have two hours rest before the final against the No.2 seed and Lancashires No.1 Nicola Lyndsay.

Laura was a bit stiff and a little troubled in the first game going 6-0 down, but once she had settled into her game and ran off the stiffness she took the first 9-6. The Lancashire U17 No.1 was only too get two more points as Laura was too quick and accurate hardly troubling the score card 9-2 9-0 to take a well deserved title.

It was straight to the car and off to Nunthorpe Squash Club for the the final of thr Principia Cup.

It was all on Laura to take the last rubber as the Nunthorpe ladies lost the first game 3-0 but took the second and third rubbers 3-1.Some good advice from coach Malcolm Mills and encouragement from her Dad Allan, she went on with not a care in the world after her previous days result, but three games in one day is just little too much for anyone's fitness and the teenager gave her all, making her opponent sweat and run hard narrowly losing the first two games and ran until she literally dropped in the third to loose the match 3-0.Laura perhaps committed herself too a little to much Squash, in such a short time scale, but, as they say, it's the taking part that counts and not the winning and she did take part, all weekend.