TRAINEE architect James Pitchers has been named one of the best apprentices in the Tees Valley.

The 22-year-old, from Whindyke, Blackhall, near Hartlepool, is an architectural technician at Niven and Niven Architects, in Darlington.

He is completing an Advanced Modern Apprenticeship in architecture and has been named a Champion Modern Apprentice by the Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley.

Pam Eccles, executive director of the Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley, said: "James made a conscious decision to follow the Modern Apprenticeship route to fulfil his dream of becoming an architect, and not only is he getting hands-on experience of his chosen trade, he is also being paid for his efforts."

Mr Pitchers said: "In the job I am doing now, I just couldn't pick just one part of it as being the best.

"Seeing something that started out as a drawing develop into something real is certainly one of the most rewarding things."